Welcome to Ribeiro Aduaneiro's Privacy Policy! is sincerely concerned about the privacy of its visitors and users and is fully committed to protecting your personal information and using it correctly, in compliance with data privacy laws. This policy describes how we may collect and use personal information and the rights and choices available to our visitors and users with respect to that information.
We strongly urge you to read this policy and make sure you understand fully the same, before accessing or using any of our services. This policy describes the ways in which we collect, store, use and protect your personal information.
Personal Data Protection Law - LGPD
We guarantee that your data follow what determines Art. 2 of the Law No. 13.709/2018 that
discipline of personal data protection is based on:
I - respect for privacy;
II - informative self-determination;
III - freedom of expression, information, communication and opinion;
IV - the inviolability of intimacy, honor and image;
V - economic and technological development and innovation;
VI - free enterprise, free competition and consumer protection; and
VII - human rights, the free development of personality, dignity and the exercise of citizenship by natural persons.
The items in our Privacy Policy are being built with great care and responsibility.
We will update soon!